Memorial Gift

A memorial gift to Hospice honors the memory of someone who touched your life in a special way. Often, families specify "memorials to Hospice in lieu of flowers" in funeral notices as a way to honor loved ones at the time of death. Many people make annual memorial contributions to commemorate the birthday or anniversary of a loved one. Your gift will be acknowledged to family members or anyone else you choose.

"In Honor of" Gift

You can support Hospice and at the same time express your love and respect for a living family member, friend, co-worker, or other individual. We have also received donations in honor of Hospice staff members and volunteers. Such a contribution is a thoughtful way to observe someone's birthday or anniversary in lieu of, or in addition to, a gift. The person honored by your contribution will receive a special acknowledgement.

Designated Gift

Some people prefer that their gift to Hospice be earmarked for particular use or to support a hospice service that is of special interest to them. Your designated gift may also be made in honor or in memory of a loved one.

Planned Gift

A planned gift is any contribution that is arranged or provided for during the giver's lifetime, but may not actually be received in its entirety by Hospice until after the donor's death. A planned gift is often made through a will, but can also be made in other ways, through life insurance or a trust, for example. Planned gifts may be in the form of cash, real estate, stocks or other resources. Planned giving provides you the opportunity to make a major gift to Hospice without sacrificing spendable income.


You can name Hospice & Palliative Care as a beneficiary in your will. Your bequest might be an outright gift of cash in a specified amount, stocks, real estate, personal property or a percentage of your estate. A gift to Hospice in your will allows you to make a sizable contribution without sacrificing spendable income during your lifetime.

Gift of Life Insurance

Hospice can be named as the beneficiary or owner of a life insurance policy, whether the policy is fully paid up or premium payments still remain. Making a gift of life insurance enables you to make a large future gift to Hospice without financial impact during your lifetime. Various charitable tax deductions may also apply to gifts of this type.

Hospice Gift Annuity

When you make a gift of an annuity to Hospice, it will do more than benefit the organization, because it also gives back to you. With a gift annuity, you can lock in high rates of income and significant tax savings, and the rate of return gets better the older you are at the time you purchase the annuity. A substantial portion of your annual annuity income may be tax-free. As a result, you'll be able to write off a significant percentage of your annuity contribution as a charitable donation. You are assured guaranteed income that will continue as long as you live and at the rate at which you initially signed on.

Gift of Property

Through a "life estate gift", you can donate your house, condominium or vacation home, for example, to Hospice now, but continue to use it throughout your lifetime. If you wish, you can also provide for your spouse to continue to use it throughout his or her lifetime. When you or your spouse no longer need to use the home, Hospice becomes the beneficiary.

Charitable Trust

A trust is a special type of "holding" device for assets. Basically, you assign a certain amount of your assets to the charitable trust. The trust "holds" them and pays out the income from those assets (such as interest or dividends, for example) according to your instructions. Charitable trusts enable you to make sizeable contributions to Hospice while receiving significant tax deductions and other tax benefits.

In-Kind Gift

Hospice has many needs. Please see our WISH LIST for items to consider donating

Gift of Time

In addition to supporting Hospice financially, many people enjoy investing their time, talent and expertise as Hospice volunteers. Hospice offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities, from patient/family care to office work and special events. The Volunteer Coordinator will help you find the volunteering role that is right for you. Find more information in our VOLUNTEER section.

For any questions about a potential gift you would like to make please feel free to contact us by calling 315-735-6484..