All groups and workshops meet at the Hospice & Palliative Care, Inc. office at 4277 Middle Settlement Road, New Hartford, NY 13413 (unless noted otherwise).
There is no charge for bereavement groups or workshops.
Donations are always appreciated.
The anguish of your heart finds echo in my own.
I know I cannot enter all you feel
Nor bear with you the burden of your pain;
I can but offer what my love does give:
The strength of caring,
The warmth of one who seeks to understand
The silent storm-swept barrenness of so great a loss.
This I do in quiet ways,
That on your lonely path
You may not walk alone."
-Howard Thurman, Meditations of the Heart
Hospice & Palliative Bereavement Support Groups and Workshops combine grief counseling and education to promote healing following the death of a loved one. These groups provide emotional, psychological, and moral support for its members.
These groups and workshops are free and open to the public regardless, if your loved one received hospice services. Hospice & Palliative Care is pleased to offer the following groups at our Hospice & Palliative Care, Inc. office located at 4277 Middle Settlement Road, New Hartford, NY 13413. To register, call our Bereavement line at 315-735-6487 ext. 1214.
TRANSFORMING GRIEF - An educational opportunity for any adult experiencing grief. Normal grief reactions, theories related to grief, and coping techniques will be presented via a power point presentation followed by time for questions.
WRITING THROUGH GRIEF - Grief journaling is one way to promote healing. Writing is a creative process that helps you explore and discover your own thoughts and feelings. Journals will be provided to the participants.
GRIEF - AFTER THE FIRST YEAR - An educational session for adults who are beyond the first year of grief. This session will cover what to expect as the grief journey continues, techniques to find the balance between grieving and going on, and ways to incorporate the loss into one's identity and search for meaning.
YOUNG WIDOWS GROUP - For Young Widows 20's through 60's. Often women in this age group do not have peers who are going through this kind of loss, and their grief can feel very isolating. Juggling jobs, children, parents, and social obligations is hard; it feels overwhelming when spousal grief is added. This group provides the time to express and share grief, learn coping skills from one another, give and receive support, and begin the healing process.
ADULT PARENTAL LOSS - For any adult who has experienced the death of a parent. The loss of a parent is the most common form of bereavement in our country. Because of this, adult children often feel a sense of isolation and may sense an unspoken message that adult parental loss is less significant than other losses. No matter what the age of our parent or where or how the death occurred, the grief felt by an adult child can be intense and overwhelming. This group is a safe place to share feelings and experiences, ask questions, seek comfort, or just listen. It is a place to receive and give support.
SPOUSAL LOSS GRIEF GROUP - For anyone who has experienced the death of a spouse or partner. The length of a marriage or committed relationship does not determine the depth of grief. This group focuses on normal responses to grief and the tasks of mourning. It is a safe place to share feelings and experiences, ask questions, and seek comfort. It is a place to receive and give support.
BRAVE HEARTS CHILDREN'S PROGRAM - For children between the ages of 6-12 years old who have lost a parent, grandparent, or special person in their life. This group utilizes age-appropriate activities to help children recognize their own grief, understand their feelings, and express them in a healthy manner. This allows them to connect with other children who have had similar experiences and provide support to each other.
GRIEF AND THE HOLIDAYS - This workshop will provide practical ideas on how to embrace the holidays while grieving the loss of a loved one. During the event, attendees will have the opportunity to honor those who have died.