whatsyourgrief.com - Educational resources, ideas for coping, and excellent articles on grief

griefspeaks.com - Videos and articles about personal journeys through grief

onefitwidow.com - For young widows, the blog is extremely helpful

widownet.org - Articles and online support for widows and widower

first30days.com - Daily tips to get through the first 30 days after a loss. Go to the section on family, then grieving

compassionatefriends.org - Support for those dealing with the death of a child

bereavedparentsusa.org - Support for bereaved parents and siblings

griefwatch.com - Articles on grief, books and mementos to order online

thelightbeyond.com - Articles, blogs, and forums for various types of losses

dougy.org - National Center for Grieving children and their families

heartachetohealing.com - Articles on grief

friendsforsurvival.org - Grief support after a death by suicide

griefincommon.com - Connect with others who share similar experiences and backgrounds

grieving.com - Forums for specific types of losses, and forums on issues related to grief

firstcandle.org - Online support groups for those who have experienced loss by SIDS, miscarriage, or stillbirth

centerforloss.com - Dr. Alan Wolfelt, a well-known grief therapist and author, has articles on grief

opentohope.com - Inspiring articles and podcasts on finding hope after a loss

grievingdads.com - Stories for Dads about a father's grief

webhealing.com - Grief discussion forums for specific types of losses including death of a child, spouse, sibling, parent, and suicide

mindfulnessandgrief.com - Tips and articles about how mindfulness and meditation can help in the grief process

widowedvillage.org - Every widowed experience is different, and yet the way the person you love died may influence how you grieve. Connects you with other widowed individuals and provides educational resources on grief.

With the increased use of the internet and social media, people have found it helpful to have online grief support. Online support lets you connect with people who are grieving losses similar to yours; they can reduce the sense of isolation caused by geographical or physical/medical constraints and increase feelings of validation. Many of the groups are loss-specific and many are moderated by professionals. As always with online groups, be careful to make sure the group is authentic.

The following Facebook groups deal specifically with grief. Go to Facebook.com and type the title in the search window to access the group.

  • Grief loss and recovery
  • Grief beyond belief - a faith free support for non-religious people grieving the death of a loved one
  • Grief the Unspoken - loss specific groups for drug/alcohol overdoses, LGBT grief, the death of a pet, loss due to suicide, death of a sibling
  • Compassionatefriends.org has private Facebook groups for death of a child, grandchild, stepchild, and deaths due to specific diagnoses